
Hello, this is Sparker! I love boiled sausage and rolling the dice.

In the mid 90’s I invented a football game called “KP Futbol”. It was a mix of RPG and football game. With d300 rolls match events were generated: chances, fouls, unusual events. Each of us led our own team, conducted trainings and wrote down the results in a grey notebook. We played 5 full league seasons. There was not enough courage in me to develop and publish the game 🙁

KP Futbol: 300 unique scoring chances!

In the meantime, I started a full-time job in an office, and I hid my board games in a cardboard box. I played only PC games (“Football Manager”, “Combat Mission”) and PS1 games.

But soon board games came back to me in a big way, and with them the old fascination was revived. I bought three games at once: “Arkham Horror”, “Agricola” and… “Rushing Turtles”. Everything started again. Beautiful graphics, cubes, crystals: now it was much better to play.

I discovered sports simulation games (“Strat-O-Matic”, “Replay Baseball”, Second Season”) and created my own detailed soccer simulation “Round Ball” (the game lasted as long as a match: 90 minutes). It also went to a drawer :-(.

Roll d100: 1-44 Cross blocked,
68-100 Cross ON TARGET 🙂

But then I revisited this game, simplified it, left the best stuff and changed it to last a maximum of 30 minutes. I tested and tested until it worked! In the meantime I also made a game called “Solo Hockey” with similar rules.

In sports simulation games I am not interested in full realism (every shot on goal), I rather focus on the representation of the most important situations in the game and the influence of team morale on the play. I like creating retro teams and give forgotten players a second life. I want the player to think for a long time after playing the match “Oh what a match that was!”.

I encourage you to play “Solo Hockey” and Football: Play It Again: my sport simulations.

Stay safe and have a good rolls!


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